Rolling your clothes One of the biggest travel debates

  • KonMari Folding Method, Shove them in a duffel bag but what is the best way to get the most amount of clothes in a single bag?
  • My favorite is rolling the clothes. I absolutely love it. I have tried the KonMari Method and the duffel bag. I personally find that I get the most amount of clothing in the rolled fashion.
  • Silk packs down super tiny, and you can wash it really easily. It stays warm when you want to be warm, and it’s cool when you want to be cool, so I am a big fan of silk.

It’s Shauna, from WithoutBags, and today, I want to talk about one of the biggest debates in the travel industry, which is, should I roll my clothes? Should I use the KonMari Folding Method? Shove them in a duffel bag? What is the best way to get the most amount of clothes in a single bag? As you guys know, without bags, I travel with my one carry-on and that’s it, so personally, you really, really, really want to know? My favorite is rolling the clothes. I absolutely love it. Tried the KonMari Method. I have tried the duffel bag, like just shove in there kind of method. I personally find that I get the most amount of clothing in the rolled fashion.

Now, complete side tip, depending, of course, on where you’re traveling to, I also love silk. Silk packs down super, super tiny, and of course, you can wash it really, really easily. It stays warm when you want to be warm, and it’s cool when you want to be cool, so I am a big, big fan of silk. It packs super tiny, so super, super secret tip. Silk clothes are amazing. If you guys have any questions, I would love your opinion on the fold versus roll versus I’ve seen vacuum pack, shove it in a duffel bag. I would love to get your guys’ feedback and opinion on this, and let me know, so Shauna, correspondent for WithoutBags, and hope you guys are having an amazing day.

Can’t wait to take you guys on our upcoming journey. We’re going to Washington, D.C. I’m actually going to go visit some family, but definitely, there’s if you guys don’t know, our other channel, and Strategic Tax Coach. I am CPA. I know, I know, CPA with a personality, but love to travel, so I’m going out for an IRS conference, and so maybe we’ll shoot some video while we’re there for WithoutBags, show you guys some of D.C. Hope you guys are having a wonderful day, and we’ll talk to you soon. Check us out on, our blog, Facebook, Twitter. Reach out to us any way. Would love to get you guys’ feedback. Rolling, packing, shoving, vacuum sealing, how do you guys get the most in your bags? All right, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

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