Dublin once again

Hey guys; it’s Shauna from Without Bags and sorry about the sound, I forgot my headset today. So we are walking down from the very lovely Fitzpatrick Castle, Dublin, let me see if I can get you … This is where we are, absolutely lovely, it’s an old castle at the top of the hill here in Killiney. And the smells are absolutely … Today all the trees are in bloom and the clouds are kind of dark and apparently, there’s been quite a bit of rain and it’s just lovely. I really do like Ireland, it’s one of my top three in the entire world. There is, Thailand is number one, New Zealand is number two and Ireland is number three but depending on the time of year, those things change. Thailand is great during the winter time when of course lovely, Arizona is lovely and Ireland is fantastic in the summer. So it’s the beginning of May and it’s just gorgeous here right now.

So we’re gonna go take a walk down into the town here and go see what’s going on. So figured I’d bring you guys along for the walk, so I hope you guys enjoy. Let me get the image turned around here. So one of the things that I absolutely love about Ireland is just you can walk everywhere. And this happens to be a very particular lovely park, this is south of Dublin, south of main city of Dublin, so technically, it’s like a 30 minute drive into the main bit of Dublin. And you know it’s just lovely, there’s huge parks, apparently Enya lives up here and Bono. I was making jokes with my driver to get me here that you know, “Oh maybe I’d run into them when we go to the pub later today.” But for now, just walking around, walking through the parks and stuffs, so figured I would bring you guys along for the walk

I don’t know if you guys can hear that but the wind and the breeze and everything going through all the plants. So we’re headed to Dalkey and this is Killiney Hill. So this is one of the big local parks and apparently when we get to the top of the hill, there’s an amazing view, so we are going to go climb up this hill here in a minute. I heard it will take peak. And see what’s going on at the top of this lovely park up here. Half the level is green. Oh look at all the little kids, I see a puppy dog. I have to admit, I’m very excited to come, go home to my two, my puppy dogs, but it’s hard to be here. Oh the flowers, you can smell all of it. That zipline looks like fun. Wonder what happened there, it’s kind of a strange way for a tree to be. Okay we may have to go play on that zipline when I come back. Looks like too much fun. A cool park.

Oh look at the two adorable little English Bulldogs, super cute. Playing fetch or something with the ball yeah? Hi. It’s a lovely Saturday for a visitor to be out with their dogs. I’m sure if we had grass like this, my dogs will be having a field day. I love that sound, I don’t know if you guys can hear that, it’s the wind blowing through the trees. Super happy puppies. Hello, hi. Oh, well I don’t know where we’re going but we’re going back down the hill. Maybe I took the wrong path up there. Look at some of these trees, branches are just amazing. Oh so it’s Japanese with root system like over there. Oh that’s the back of the hotel.  Old castle wall. Just trying to figure out where we are. I mean obviously, we’re here, I’m not sure where we came in. It is quite a big park, I didn’t realize it was quite that big. Well, we’ll keep going, we’ll see where this leads. Oh a statue.

Oh it looks like there’s a viewpoint coming, I’ve got to see what this is. Looks like it’s a view over the whole county. Did you see a bit of a sea there? How can you not find this anything but beautiful? Look at all those green. I suppose that’s what happens when you have a desert grow here. It’s just lovely.

So I was talking to the driver earlier today on the way in and talking about how long people live. In Norway apparently, they live quite a bit longer, a lot of it is exercise, being outside. Coming from the States, we don’t tend to do, I mean unless you’re into an activity, we tend to be pretty sedentary. Not really a whole lot of exercise, not really a whole lot of walking. Obviously being in this kind of environment, I can see why you’d want to walk. The view is breath-taking but I suppose, it’s like anything else, it’s all what you get used to and what you were raised into. I’m addicted to tennis personally and very much looking forward to getting back, playing some tennis. But yeah, this walking thing, there could be something to it. Coming up on a view guys. Oh my goodness, look at that. All right guys, I’m going to pause the live video feed, so that I can get some pictures from up here, but I’ll come back when I start walking again.



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