Fumbling cables

  • How do you keep the cables from tangling up?
  • What you can do is literally wrap the cable in a circle, do the binder clip over it and place the ear buds through the little handle pieces.

Hey everybody! It’s Shauna, the work correspondent for Without Bags. Today, I want to talk about cables. We all love and hate cables at the same time. I know a lot of manufacturers including iBuds and many others, are going wireless. I don’t have my wireless in today because recording definitely works better on a cable. So there are some cases where you need a cable. How do you keep the cables from tangling up? Definitely searching on YouTube provides lots of options.

One of my favorites is actually a binder clip. Let’s see. I’m pretty sure I have one of these guys. Let me show you how this works; so basically what you’re looking at is a binder clip. We absolutely love binder clips. What you can do is literally wrap the cable in a circle, do the binder clip over it and place the ear buds through the little metal pieces; the little handle pieces. That will actually keep your cables from getting totally mucked up and messed up in your bag. Or you can also consider using an old iGlass case,the kind with the zipper around the front, to put your cables in there and that way they won’t get all jumbled up and messed up inside your bag. So definitely like doing some of these stuff on the cheap. I think this was all a five cents at my local office supply store.

So have a great day guys. I hope you are all enjoying your travels in different parts of the world. Love to hear where you are right now. I just came back from Sicily a couple of weeks ago, so definitely check out all the videos and pictures from that, above or below in the feed, whichever way that goes. Hope you guys are having a great day.

So this has been Shauna, work correspondent for Without Bags. Thanks so much, bye.

Happy Halloween! What’s scarier than turbulence

  • How to deal with plane turbulence – sit near the wing
  • Getting the least amount of turbulence in your flight
  • Reducing the amount of turbulence in midair

Hey everybody, Happy Halloween! It’s Shauna, the correspondent for Without Bags. Today being Halloween, what could be scarier than ghost and ghouls? Turbulence? Nobody likes turbulence on the plane but some people are really good with it; they’re totally chilled and relaxed. But listen, if you don’t want to deal with turbulence and want the least amount of turbulence in your flight, sit near the wing of the plane. That actually reduces your turbulence as much as it can be possible in midair.

Tip from the well-traveled, sit near the wing of the plane to reduce turbulence. If you haven’t seen it, definitely scroll up; take a peek through our most recent trip to Sicily, Italy. Otherwise, have an absolutely fantastic Halloween guys. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Enjoy the night ghosts and ghouls. Bye.


Leaving Stockholm for Helsinki

Hey guys, it’s Shauna from Without Bags. I am currently sitting in the airport in Stockholm headed for Helsinki. I wanted to give you guys my recap of Stockholm.

First of all, awesome, awesome city. Was staying very near to the main old shopping district, so was able to walk to a lot of places. It’s very much a walkable city. They do have Uber, which is awesome, but it’s actually quite nice to be out walking. Of course today, there was hail, so definitely didn’t walk today. Yeah, very much liked the city. People are very, very friendly, super helpful. Definitely want to help you with whatever your problem is.

I think one of the biggest things that I’m noticing … In Ireland and Scotland, the look on people’s faces started off, even just walking down the street, everybody looked upset. Here and in Denmark, everybody has a very picturesque, actually, look on their face. Everybody here is quite pretty, generally, very tall, and slender, and beautiful. Anyway, very picturesque look on their face. If you look lost or look confused, they don’t really stop to help you, but if you reach out to ask for help, absolutely. They’re super friendly and definitely want to try and help you, so that’s really nice. That’s really helpful. Everybody speaks English basically, so it makes traveling here really, really easy.

Sorry, there is a very large cart going by. It’s kind of loud.


I LOVE my Vest!!!

OK – Random interlude to the regularly scheduled updates on travel.   I just HAVE to say – I LOVE MY VEST.  ScottVest is the BEST for travelling!

Tim Ferriss is my favorite author for lifestyle hacking. One of my favorite questions that he asks his guest on his podcasts is: What have you recently spent $100 or less on that has greatly improved your life. Below is a pictorial version of my answer:

info heading

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My answer (for travel related purposes) is my SCOTTeVEST Men’s RFID Travel Vest – I got it on sale (so it counts) and boy oh boy do I use that thing! People wonder how I can travel with just my backpack – the vest holds AT LEAST another 20lbs of gear! It’s my “life” vest! I LOVE IT! (How can you go wrong with an additional 26 pockets??? Don’t I just look so darn happy and peaceful with my best travel buddy! 😛


OK – back to the regularly scheduled programming!

Can’t wait to see what life brings next!

PS – BEST way to get through the TSA ever! Put everything in the pockets, fling off the best into their scanners and fly through to the other side! No emptying pockets, reorganizing, getting everything back to it’s place – you are good to go! 🙂