Happy Halloween! What’s scarier than turbulence

  • How to deal with plane turbulence – sit near the wing
  • Getting the least amount of turbulence in your flight
  • Reducing the amount of turbulence in midair

Hey everybody, Happy Halloween! It’s Shauna, the correspondent for Without Bags. Today being Halloween, what could be scarier than ghost and ghouls? Turbulence? Nobody likes turbulence on the plane but some people are really good with it; they’re totally chilled and relaxed. But listen, if you don’t want to deal with turbulence and want the least amount of turbulence in your flight, sit near the wing of the plane. That actually reduces your turbulence as much as it can be possible in midair.

Tip from the well-traveled, sit near the wing of the plane to reduce turbulence. If you haven’t seen it, definitely scroll up; take a peek through our most recent trip to Sicily, Italy. Otherwise, have an absolutely fantastic Halloween guys. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Enjoy the night ghosts and ghouls. Bye.


What to do with a Chapstick

  • Four interesting places to visit in Italy.
  • Using a ChapStick to hide backup cash while travelling.
  • Why you need to hide backup cash while travelling.

Hey everybody. This is Shauna, the correspondent for Without Bags, here with you today to talk about ChapStick. I know, ChapStick, really? Right? As you guys know, I just came back from Italy. Sicily was amazing. If you guys haven’t been there, Taormina, Palermo, Syracuse, Cefalu definitely take a look at the pictures, take a look at the blog Without Bags. Absolutely loved it, loved it, loved it. Ate way too much pasta, But things to know, okay, ChapSticks. So, of course, most of us carry around ChapStick, especially I’m here from Arizona, it’s hot, even no matter how much water you drink your lips can still get chapped. So ChapStick is just one of those things that I always carry.

Did you know, or have you ever thought about using an empty ChapStick tube, or any other kind of cosmetic, or even sunscreen tubes, that kind of thing to store valuables? Copies of Passports, cash, maybe a backup credit card. So one of the things that I love about ChapStick tubes is they’re tiny, tiny. Right? They can fit in a pocket, they can fit in a separate bag, they can very easily fit in your suitcase that you leave at the hotel, wherever it is. Everybody looks at a ChapStick tube, it’s just ChapStick, so nobody’s really going to be opening your ChapSticks tubes to see if anything’s in there.

I always roll up about $100 worth of cash, stick it inside a ChapStick tube, and carry that with me in a place, or in the hotel, someplace that is kind of hidden. So if I get mugged or robbed, or whatever it is. Thank God that’s never happened, but hopefully never, ever. I’ve got some backup cash, and I have a way to get back to the hotel, you know call whoever I need to call, and make sure that I’m not starving on the streets wherever I am. So highly recommend using cosmetic bottles, ChapStick tubes, whatever it is, something that looks very innocuous. You can cut it open and we’ll try and put some links to some videos down below mine, other great videos on YouTubes to show you how to do this, how to actually make this work.

You can carry them with you in your bags, on the beach using a sunscreen bottle. You can leave it right on the beach, right next to your towel, and no one’s going to pick up your sunscreen bottle and think there’s anything valuable in there. So hope you guys are having a great day, and feel free to join us every Tuesday for more tips here on Without Bags. Can’t wait to see you on the next adventure. Thanks. Bye.

Keeping toiletry bags double packed ready to go on the trip

  • If you travel as much as I do, you can have two toiletry bags. Well, really, four. Technically two that I leave at home, that are just like my day-to-day use at home and two that I take with me.
  • The only thing I do is as soon as I come back from my trip I refill all my little mini bottles with all my favorite lotions, soaps, and powders. And put it right back into my travel case.
  • When I’m ready to go on a trip, I can absolutely just throw the clothes into the bag for whichever kind of climate I’m in. I’m a big fan of having multiple toiletry bags.

Hey everyone; this is Shauna, work respondent for Without Bags. Today I want to talk about your toiletry bag, so if you travel as much as I do, one of my favorite ways to deal with this, honestly, is to have two toiletry bags. Well, really, four. Technically. Two that I leave at home, that are just like my day-to-day use at home and two that I take with me. And they just always stay packed in my bag. And really the only thing I do is as soon as I come back from my trip I refill all my little mini bottles with all my favorite lotions, and soaps, and powders, and potions, all that kind of good thing, put it right back into my travel case.

That way, when I’m ready to go on a trip, I can absolutely just throw the clothes into the bag for whichever kind of climate I’m in and off we go on the trip. Big, big, big fan of having multiple toiletry bags. It also saves you from forgetting your toothbrush, or your face scrubbie, or whatever else it is that you take with you when you travel. Big, big fan of having a pre-packed, ready-to-go, in the bag.

I would love to hear what you guys do. How many times have y’all forgotten your toothbrush? I suppose at least toothbrushes are easy to find in most parts of the world. Hope you guys are having a great and will talk to you later. Bye.